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《环世界(RimWorld)》是一款由Ludeon Studios制作发行的游戏,为了帮助这些殖民者你需要帮助他们建造属于他们的殖民地,防止海盗的突然袭击,让殖民者幸福快乐的生活着。在建造殖民地的时候,你可以通过一系列道具来帮助自己快速建造殖民地。本文推荐的这款MOD是环世界B18更多的炮塔整合包MOD,加入很多高级炮塔和载人机枪炮塔,反物质炮、火炮、榴弹炮、链炮、舰炮等各种各样的强力武器,大概会玩得更爽吧。喜欢的玩家可以下载试试。


Adds manned machine gun turrets and different types of advanced turrets. Original Author: eatKenny Current Maintainer: duduluu <color=#8c9eff><b>Compatible with existing save and other mods, enjoy it.</b></color> ## Features **M2 Browning machine gun** A manned M2 browning machine gun. Make at machining table. **Incendiary grenade launcher** Incendiary grenade launcher fires 4 incendiary grenades at target area with each volley. Fires over walll, need to be manned. Ammo: Incendiary grenades (Make at machining table.) Make at machining table. **Anti-materiel turret** A turret mounted with a .50 Cal anti-materiel gun that automatically fires at enemies. Build Cost: Turret .50 cal anti-materiel gun (Make at machining table.) **Rocket launcher** Rocket launcher fires 6 rockets at target area with each volley. Fires over wall, need to be manned. Ammo: 132mm rockets (Make at machining table.) **Cannon turret** A turret mounted with a 120mm cannon gun on tanks. deals extra armor-piercing damage if the round has a direct hit. Ammo: 120mm cannon shell (Make at machining table.) Build Cost: 120mm cannon gun (Get via buying only.) **Howitzer turret** A turret mounted with a 155mm howitzer. Fires over wall, need to be manned. Ammo: 155mm howitzer shell (Make at machining table.) Build Cost: 155mm howitzer (Get via buying only.) **Chain gun turret** A turret mounted with a 25mm chain gun, deals extra armor-piercing damage if the round has a direct hit. Need to be manned. Build Cost: 25mm chain gun (Get via buying only.) **40mm naval gun turret** An 40mm naval gun turret that rapidly fires at enemies, deals extra armor-piercing damage if the round has a direct hit. Need to be manned. Build Cost: 40mm naval gun (Get via buying only.) **28cm naval gun turret** The ancient German 28cm naval gun was a 283 mm caliber gun designed in 1934 used on the Scharnhorst class battleships. It fires HE shells at long distance, deals devastating damage in large area. Fires over wall, need to be manned. Ammo: 28cm naval gun shell (Make at machining table.) Build Cost: 28cm naval gun (Get via buying only.) **Tesla turret** The tesla turret is a short range defense turret, it uses a combination of electricity generation and atmosphere ionization to hurl artificial lightning bolts at hostile attackers. Build Cost: Tesla coil (Make at machining table.) **Smart mine** A smart anti-personnel mine, launch itself to the enemy within a small radius and explode. Make at machining table.

增加了载人机枪炮塔和不同类型的高级炮塔。原作者:eatkenny电流维护:duduluu <颜色= # 8c9eff > <b>兼容现有的保存和其他插件,享受它。</b> <颜色> # #特点* * M2勃朗宁机枪**载人M2勃朗宁机枪。加工台加工。*燃烧榴弹发射器*燃烧榴弹发射器在每一次发射时向目标区域发射4枚燃烧弹。火灾在壁,需要载人。弹药:在加工台上制作的燃烧弹。**装备炮塔的炮塔装有50英寸的反物质武器,能自动射击敌人。建造成本:炮塔。50 CAL反物质炮(制造加工表)**火箭发射器**火箭发射器在目标区域发射6枚火箭。火在墙上,需要载人。弹药:132mm火箭炮(加工表。使)××××炮塔炮塔安装有120mm炮炮坦克。如果回合有直接命中,额外的破甲伤害。弹药:120mm火炮炮弹(在加工表。使)建设成本:120mm火炮枪(通过购买获得。)* * * *一个榴弹炮炮塔炮塔安装有155毫米榴弹炮。火在墙上,需要载人。弹药:155毫米榴弹炮壳(在加工表。使)建造成本:155毫米榴弹炮(通过购买获得。)* * * *链炮塔炮塔装有25mm链炮,造成额外护甲穿刺损伤如果轮直接命中。需要载人。建造成本:25毫米的连锁枪(通过购买获得。)××40mm舰炮炮塔* * 40mm舰炮炮塔,迅速向敌人,造成额外的装甲穿刺伤害如果轮直接命中。需要载人。建造成本:40mm舰炮(通过购买获得。)* 28cm舰炮炮塔**古德语28cm舰炮为283毫米口径火炮的设计在1934上使用的沙恩霍斯特级战列舰。它远距离地发射炮弹,造成大片地区的毁灭性破坏。火在墙上,需要载人。弹药:28cm舰炮炮弹(在加工表。使)建设成本:28cm舰炮(通过购买获得。)* * * *特斯拉特斯拉的炮塔,炮塔是近程防御炮塔,它结合了发电和大气电离出人工闪电在恶意攻击者。建造成本:特斯拉线圈(制造加工台)**智能雷**智能杀伤人员地雷,在小半径内向敌人发射并爆炸。加工台加工。





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