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废土2:导演剪辑版2-6升级档+破解补丁是玩家针对inXile Entertainment制作发行的一款角色扮演游戏《废土2:导演剪辑版(Wasteland 2: Director's Cut)》制作的升级补丁。



1. 解压缩

2. 安装Update目录下的升级补丁到游戏目录中

3. 复制CODEX目录下的破解补丁到游戏目录中覆盖

4. 开始游戏



机翻:更新更新2〜6:亮点新增Steam成就为Mac OS X和Linux!现在,你的朋友,家人和熟人模糊都可以享受解锁成就,无论他们选择在计算机操作系统。在好莱坞/格里菲斯任务线,可能在某些情况下,呈现和平成果高不可攀时识别破碎的人修正了一个错误。更新监狱总部。大型卷闸门现在阻止监狱HQ防止任务序列休息。栅极由丹福思故事期间在适当的时候打开,或者当游戏者修复破碎机器人摧毁炮塔和栅极。巨大的bug修复通 - 近我们有史以来最大的补丁!?大英文文本更新。汉化补丁和更新,在所有语言。游戏加入Steam成就和支持的Steamworks为Mac OS X和Linux!修正了无法从亚利桑那性病性病成就。修正了酒杯赌场的minigame的错误。修正了一个问题:如果一个党员变成了一个吊舱的作战人员可以锁定。它应该不再可能通过激活电台,以避免对世界地图随机遭遇战。修正了随机​​遭遇战接收后死亡小队无线电呼叫后并没有出现问题。CNPCs不再抗议你杀无辜的人,如果他们是无意识或死亡。修正了一个问题,其中获得新的动物的追随者会导致任务相关动物的追随者停止聚会以下。试图对已经空投物品掉落顶一个任务项目将不再导致物品消失。它应该不再可能试图通过拖放到另一个项目的顶部,重复任务物品。阿不福思固定时,他被驳回不删除自己的buff。从可用钢丝绳和无线电零件项目自我不再使用。当达尔文村瘟疫计时器耗尽一个字符修正了一个错误。用户界面固定开启对话过程中损坏的文本日志布局全屏模式。固定“镜头跟随党”,如果启用该选项选项不能正确地跟随在一个新的游戏开始的字符。功能键现在可以用来在世界地图上选择党员。现在它可以通过点击他们的肖像使用在战斗中党员场梅迪奇项目。现已辐射云实时更新,同时与世界地图UI开放旅游。从距离太远字符库存物品与供应商交易中的“所有的党项”库存过滤器应该不会再出现双击供应商项目之后。它不再是可能的滚动面板以开放的下拉菜单。现在它可以通过拖动到弹药它们重新加载副武器。夹紧人物塑造过程中的传领域的10,000个字符。您的惊险小说荒原系列将需要在别处键入。默认武器现在应该出现在中国石油天然气集团公司信息屏幕CNPCs如果没有武器装备。现在在对话UI中游戏显示反馈时在被用完,或为它们没有足够的技能为使用会话技能的关键字球员类型。现在的游戏显示扬声器和键入的关键字时,它无法识别(而不只是关键字)关键字。修正了一个谈话结束后断输入。在战利品缓存游标被设置为默认值,如果缓存为空。固定防止对区域关键字反应的错误。杂CNPCs不再做一个“你错过了”的评论时,一名党员的武器卡纸。制作时,它的一个小姐,而是采用了暴击和命中暴击几率中石油意见的机会检查使用正确的“小姐”的机会。现在爆用猎枪射击第一枪杀死,有它变换摧毁一个目标的时候会不会引发错误。修正了一个问题,其中银中心和Highpool不会成为破坏如果游戏同时接受遇险呼叫后保存和加载。现在,党员面对目标瞬移箭头指向(所以他们正面临着进入他们进入房间,例如)的方向。如果他们工作Dengler手枪皮特不会重返格拉斯哥流浪者。与PartyBarkManager修正了原定从而允许树皮继续在加载保存的游戏。修正了当敌人没有mobFX组件空引用。如果已经发现了世界地图上不再显示监狱。增加了一个新fowReveal()命令,允许你指定一个半径和持续时间揭示。有用的过场动画。修正了游戏脚本中的空引用。与罗斯的论死亡事件预警固定被覆盖。更衣室克隆没有得到场景之间结转状况的影响。亚利桑那游侠城堡:固定导航网格问题。游侠城堡:如果玩家在战斗中接近它,然后结束战斗门就会现已开放。游侠城堡:电影的介绍过程中关闭全局卷;全球量恢复到原来的值,当电影结束。游侠城堡:游侠巡逻不再路径进入食堂面积。应该解决阻塞问题。游侠城堡:修正了一个问题,其中某些Sagarra关键字出现断章取义。游侠城堡:CNPCs不再出现游侠城堡,如果他们已经离开了聚会。游侠城堡:固定问题,其中选择同伴的时候带给加州Lexcanium没有正确算作一个招募游侠。游侠城堡:设置默认光标书架的IO在博物馆里。游侠城堡:新增唆使点制图Sagarra。游侠城堡:只涨了评论关于流浪背叛扬,如果她无意中听到别动队员的承诺一月游侠城堡:Pizepi现在离开了格拉斯哥流浪者,如果她偷听他们揭示达尔文的真相。游侠城堡:修正了一个问题,其中一般巴尔加斯试图回答游侠无论是在人及以上的收音机。游侠城堡:新增这是防止血液从工作人员正在变成燧发枪缺少的资源标记。游侠城堡:给了他足够的止痛药时,现在可以从Tidemann收到游侠历史4本书。游侠城堡:如果她不存在Mercaptain的说明文字不再出现。游侠城堡:现在可以翻血员工燧发枪,即使它配备。游侠城堡:SkillObject难度被删除一次Giebitz界外密西西比州骡子。游侠城堡:修正不正确的游侠对话框文本关键词“招聘”。游侠城堡:固定摄像机界领先的双桅船朝面积。游侠城堡:修正了一个问题,其中涂鸦清洁游侠的举动就好像直接从那里离开给了他就已经保存文件开始一个新的游戏的时候,他已经给喷漆。游侠城堡:新增描述集游侠储物柜。游侠城堡:移除了“哎呀呀”结尾幻灯片一些spoilerific文本。玩家欢欣鼓舞!游侠城堡:修正了一个问题,其中,当世界地图出口附近走近队抽到/贝克/查理,便汪汪叫,而看不见的。银中心:将不再受到伤害,从DNA测序,如果在1 HP。银中心:苏现在更容易杀死,而在受伤状态。银中心:苏的疫区现在追求时丧生解决。银中心:如果她杀死了凯西的血清现在追求解决。银中心:降低安全难以靠近温斯顿非常努力。银中心:删除出现断章取义的关键字。银中心:研究怪物死亡将保存/负载下进行跟踪。银中心:玫瑰不会下跌,如果她的石油库存初始化她定制dropset。银中心:何时不再调查的声音时,他是喝醉了。银中心:现在可以通过先寻找银中心血清解锁受感染的世界地图的位置。银中心:玫瑰不再离开感谢党因杀害无辜后流浪者队。银中心:删除未处理的关键字。银中心:新增白发蜜瓜刘易斯;删除不正确的描述为蜜瓜刘易斯。银中心:免费瑞安任务,如果现在银中心被放弃解决。银中心:修正了可以穿墙与计算机的控制台进行交互。银中心:在西场鸽子现在可以正确爆炸当玩家行走在他们附近。啪!银中心:删除雾狂欢者从西场门口。银中心:黑客成功中部地下室计算机将复制的描述文本的日志簿。银中心:温室的门现在默认为它们的基本描述集,如果他们没有被锁定。银中心:增加说明对杀人场门,中央大楼,中央地下室,和东和西场梯子。银中心:瑞秋现在转换在进入她的接近,而不是她的,当点击。银中心:设置默认是杀菌剂“捡”活动光标。银中心:添加银中心血清的营养水库现在专治急性感染波德如直接使用时,它作为。银中心:内线是人与凯西说劳森之后不再相互作用性。银中心被毁:在杀人场固定导航网格问题。Highpool:清障车现在攻击流浪者如安全是爆炸。Highpool:Townie没有对流浪者不再友好,如果坟墓被挖。Highpool:凯特普雷斯顿的市长讲话不再扮演如果她被杀害。Highpool:伯金现在不再消失,如果他在战斗。Highpool:破坏能手要塞航海日志条目现在解决,如果伯金被杀害。Highpool:设置检查尸体以动态图层。Highpool:修正了一个问题,其中,当水管破裂杰斯佳丽的嫁妆寻求能够解决,即使已经获得的嫁妆。Highpool:在阿列克谢Chuklin的老RV固定偏置碰撞。Highpool:斯科特不再耸立在死/缺失患者在医院面前。Highpool:现在可以与伯金对破坏能手要塞即使秃鹫的叫声已经发布说话。Highpool:如果市长投票平局党树皮不再出现。Highpool:进舱清障车4个固定的显示名称。Highpool:基于她在城里的位置来解决战斗的bug设置凯特的战斗群。Highpool:任务摆脱Juvies现在如果秃鹫的叫声被杀害解决。Highpool:现在排除可能的灌溉固定对话框的列表中某些短语。Highpool:前安全延迟增加被打开。Highpool:关机后Dumpstar的调查声音。Highpool:为一堆岩石严重修改的说明文字。Highpool:删除了不使用检查从起重机控制台提示。Highpool:添加了自定义战斗文本的Highpool大坝爆炸。Highpool:某些坟墓下面请状况的影响。Highpool:为Highpool地下门添加描述集。Highpool:改变哈罗德的基本战斗AI类型。Highpool:大坝炸弹设定的武器模板。Highpool:兰迪拍摄造成先与作战一个小问题。固定。Highpool:阿列克谢追求不收出兰迪是否被杀害。固定。Highpool:不能再卖哈罗德引擎还给他。Highpool:关机后调查为Townie 16的声音,以防止不正确的行为。Highpool地铁:删除了对如何使用断路器不正确的指示线。Highpool销毁处理:对伯金增加了自定义文本。Highpool销毁处理:修正了电钻的范围攻击。铁路游牧民族营:反复点击时(科尔长老被杀之后)利比不再吠叫。铁路游牧民族营:设置封面附近吸毒者ENC 03壁层。铁路游牧民族营:增加逻辑来检查,如果Gorkinovich已经死了。铁路游牧民族营:对于杰西添加的自定义dropset。铁路游牧民族营:设置哨光标移动到“使用”。铁路游牧民族营:保龄球信任务现在解决,如果凯蒂或罗伯特被杀害。铁路游牧民族营:如果给刹车蹄片工程师,现在解决了和平的追求。铁路游牧民族营:新增航海日志条目来处理情况,流浪者偷金穗情况。铁路游牧民族营:给了教务长神秘人老通用的画像,这适合他更好。铁路游牧民族阵营:重新定位Scotchmo的藏匿处使高亮可见。铁路游牧民族阵营:在床上的密码箱固定光标。铁路游牧民族营:添加自定义项目接受对象无线电发射塔。铁路游牧民族营:不能再与她的细胞内的炸药杀死杰西当她被抓获。铁路游牧民族营:如果流浪者炸毁Holliday的商店寻求和平解决。铁路游牧民族营:如果Atchisons被屠杀和平的追求解决。铁路游牧民族营:确信你不能两次报告铁路大盗任务完成。铁路游牧民族营:Kekkahbah现在会恨流浪者,如果他们在战斗中接近金穗。铁路游牧民族阵营:安吉拉杀死塞缪尔序列只能触发一次通话完毕。铁路游牧民族营:设置默认光标甲鱼给“友好”。铁路游牧民族营:Scotchmo将不再挖出的墓穴,现在会抱怨别人挖的坟墓。铁路游牧民族营:无线电发射塔的描述不再认为中继器单元已附加。铁路游牧民族营:从Android电子书籍移除检查的组成部分。铁路游牧民族营:删除检查从武器库的组成部分。铁路游牧民族营:设置默认是武器库和Android书活动光标。铁路游牧民族营:更新导航网格和打击电网。铁路游牧民族营:修正了一个问题,其中你可以在战斗中退出凯蒂的车舱。铁路游牧民族营:修正了一个问题,其中附加转发器单元的功能无线电接收器错误地显示一个失败消息。铁路游牧民族营:修正了一个问题,其中凯西不承认罗伯特保龄球已经死了。铁路游牧民族营:检查无线电发射塔将不再添加了不正确的日志簿更新,说明该玩家获得来自Kekkahbah的尸体耦合器。铁路游牧民族营:当他许诺给流浪者无线电耦合器,一旦争执还没有结束,立即为您提供了无线耦合器Kekkahbah不再增加了一个不正确的日志簿更新。铁路游牧民族营:设置是H.R.尸活动光标。Atchisons'营:杰西不再运行到她家,如果战斗力上。如果Atchisons被屠杀就不会出现说明了梅丽莎:Atchisons者训练营。Atchisons'营:删除关键字出现断章取义。Atchisons'营:修改杰西的树皮当即将受到攻击。Atchisons'营:受到攻击时凯西现在总是受到伤害。Atchisons'营:设置凿NPC的AI模板小学生硬。Atchisons'营:设置凯西的战斗群时,他瞬间移动到操场。Atchisons'营:增加了检查,以防止战斗中脚本的运动。Atchisons'营:在凯西离开他的蒙古包,防止一些错误保存被阻止。Atchisons'营:如果Kekkahbah活着杰西不会被捕获。Atchisons'营:增加Teleport_Door说明设置瞬移门(蒙古包)。Atchisons者训练营:而附近的拉锯,如果杰西被谋杀凯西现在变成敌对。Atchisons'营:增加了新的对话框的情况下Ralphy保存时,但自行车陷阱不是解除武装。监狱:增加了一个大的卷闸门监狱总部将仅与修理机器人通过破坏打开附近或丹福思“邀请”流浪者进入(只影响新游戏/保存)。这可以防止玩家在进入监狱总部,他们应该能够前后打破了监狱的任务流程。监狱:固定巴基·布朗在错误的时间逃跑。监狱:巴基布朗再也睡不着管理,以避免不正确的行为。监狱:新增基地描述设置为简单的计算机。监狱:新增电脑画像起重机的电脑。监狱:固定量程红的塔楼。监狱:固定红色的炮塔有时不攻击。监狱:禁用调查声音的弗雷德Darvis阻止他四处流浪。监狱:威廉和船员现在可以正确地躲起来,如果巴基警告他们。修复一个问题,即猪的追求并没有解决,因为威廉和机组人员应该已经不见了。监狱:增加基础说明猪????。在这里,我们解决重要的错误在inXile。监狱:如果战斗是在巴基的过场不会触发。监狱:不再能够访问红色的电脑,而战斗力上。监狱:弗雷德Darvis将不再感谢为流浪者解救他的车,如果他被攻击。监狱:固定其中多次点击被要求开始与安娜对话的问题。监狱:从丹福思的树皮中删除了延迟流浪者接近犬舍。监狱:从现在开始克里斯VanOverbake谈话,如果球员接近他时的谈话结束。这次谈话在格拉迪斯过场优先。监狱:修正了一个问题,其中Baychowski的树皮会保留在屏幕上太长时间。监狱:现在炮塔被停用,如果机器人袭击无机目标。监狱:西莉亚卡米纳达 - 清理混乱游侠对话文本。监狱:乔布不再说,狗被保存,如果他们被打死。监狱:关键字“拉德西服”修改游侠对话文本。监狱:修正了一个问题,其中丹福思没注​​意到雷纳没有狗窝狗前得到补救。监狱:监狱将不会在世界地图上再次与巴尔加斯的谈话透露,如果它已经被发现了。监狱:秃鹫的叫声将不再重复同样的“临床抑郁沟”汪汪一遍又一遍地和...监狱:修正了一个问题,即乔布将下降死绝的NPC身边杀了他。这是目前在过场动画处理。监狱:固定安娜的逃税机会,所以她不再躲闪子弹,而在地面上躺着病人。监狱:修正了对撞机阻止附近的监狱2层入口处鼠标点击。泰坦的峡谷:离开总部,如果她被攻击防止的感化院。确信她是一样的战斗群的人,她是英寸泰坦的峡谷:确信在战斗中你不能戳冰箱在DBM总部门前。泰坦的峡谷:修正了一个问题,其中退出DBM HQ电脑被攻击保存/载入以下。泰坦的峡谷:添加缺少的游侠对话行Gorsky交谈。泰坦的峡谷:删除从武器柜空标志清晰。泰坦的峡谷:删除了萨德勒的“欺诈”的文章,因为它并没有使用。泰坦的峡谷:杀感化院或萨德勒会触怒DBM的派别。泰坦的峡谷:删除未使用的谈话关键字。泰坦的峡谷:固定感化院让玩家回到DBM总部。泰坦的峡谷:分裂党是让玩家获得武器进入DBM基地。固定。泰坦的峡谷:固定“给武器”关键字把散兵游勇到感化院后失踪。泰坦的峡谷:固定锁定了兄弟Ekees交谈。泰坦的峡谷:固定兄弟查韦斯的死亡动画不玩。泰坦神殿:位置有一些额外的僧侣时,它不应该有。泰坦神殿:该职位核弹发射场面,父亲伊诺拉会谈,你现在会经过所有的NPC列表,并设置其waitToJoinCombat和派别讨厌中性值。这将允许伊诺拉与你开始对话。同时固定保存和这个场景后作出战斗的问题。泰坦神殿:将多WatchTrueOnce事件回调简单的手表,以防止疯了一系列异常的时候:从核弹被加密的发生。泰坦神殿:增加了一个半径支票导弹,以防止过场动画在错误的位置播放。泰坦神殿:固定的情况下,允许穿墙射击。泰坦神殿:固定顺序而否定父亲伊诺拉的最后通牒时,战斗开始。泰坦神殿:现在瞬移父亲伊诺拉和卫兵,他们太遥远了代码加扰过场事件产卵点。泰坦神殿:修正了一个空引用错误。泰坦神殿:允许高度网格的基础上围绕大力神混凝土环的部分。泰坦神殿:固定摄像头的问题。泰坦神殿:修正了在这个级别的斜坡一些问题。泰坦神殿:固定核弹播放时它不应该有一个动画。泰坦神殿(毁):如果他参加党丹那么Q值不再出现。Damonta:固定为红色和里克Baychowski驾驶舱门。Damonta:从去笨停止廷克(对问题的更精确的描述,请与谁解决了这个问题的人)。Damonta:红不再死了,如果所有的机器人被砍死。Damonta:沃利不再死了,如果所有的机器人被砍死。Damonta:沃利现在打开他的门,如果所有的机器人被砍死。Damonta:不能再获得查找牛业主的追求,如果Damonta被放弃了。Damonta:固定红色Baychowski在一个特定的情况下过早地淡出。Damonta:不再让巴特追求更新,如果他不喜欢的一方。Damonta:沃利不再说沉默泉不清除出去,如果机器人被杀死,但补锅匠都没有被破坏。Damonta:关键字添加游侠对话文本“走开”与Red Baychowski使用。Damonta:修正不正确的日志簿条目。Damonta:固定在Damonta墙上的文字说明。Damonta:固定在叮叮打架Octotrons。Damonta:从像虚拟流失停止沃利。Damonta:背后客机TP内部增加了对撞机墙对外部。Damonta:脱粒机不再门打击并可以击晕,如果他被黑客入侵。Damonta:固定撞机。Damonta:将光标移动到默认巴特和牛仔。Damonta:固定巴特在牛墓地战斗过程中吉尔拉动。Damonta:固定山羊躲藏后Damonta。Damonta:4too不再扮演他的bash的动画,如果女士布拉瓦茨基被破坏。Damonta:修正了,直到他们被袭击补锅匠的机器人产生了不参加战斗。Damonta:固定补锅匠的作战遇到这样的突发火力攻击不会立即对廷克投降重新开始战斗。Damonta:注册沃利对讲自定义显示名称。新增沃利对讲投ID。Damonta:设置默认Simple_Crate_Medical说明对Hector的藏匿处。Damonta:删除声音从包尸“托马斯”。Damonta:从一个无效的对象中删除交谈光标。Damonta:删除不正确的Wally的冰箱考察。Damonta:调整炮塔报警位置,使其不再浮动。Damonta:固定能够通过靠山雕像走。无线电塔:固定装入水平无意识的游侠和他们在一起的地形下。无线电塔:接收中继器单元,如果它已经可见后铁路游牧民族阵营将不会被标注在地图上。无线电塔:岩石,这是高离地面固定盖板。无线电塔:当访问过Highpool /银中心后,用中继单位退出,世界地图将不再敞开,如果未访问过的位置在地图上可见。筒仓7:如果​​固定的谈话锁,而红色乱叫螺丝刀使用。筒仓7:因为它不是在老兵模式中进行查杀人物提振筒仓7核弹伤害量。筒仓7:修正与红Baychowski日志簿更新。筒仓7:萨德勒将不再调用无线电如果你还没有见过他。筒仓7:固定摄像机界限。Gorkinovich的酒厂:不能再保存,而卡车过场正在进行中。Gorkinovich的酒厂:固定的问题,门卫没打开门,如果蜜獾已经开始追求之前死亡。Gorkinovich的酒厂:新增酒厂流浪汉作战文本。Gorkinovich的酒厂:流浪汉在酒厂不再引用的流浪汉丛林。Gorkinovich的酒厂:流浪汉国王和船员在战斗中不再逃跑。Gorkinovich的酒厂:固定破坏的墙壁。Gorkinovich的酒厂:现在可以小声动物蜜獾。Gorkinovich的酒厂:修正了一个问题,其中流浪汉留在现场Squeezins卡车后会赶走。Gorkinovich的酒厂:固定拉里过场动画中一个吠错了行。达尔文村:固定炮塔周围撞机。达尔文村:罗斯会走在即使过担保,以防止过场锁定问题过场。达尔文村:罗斯将不会试图打开门,如果她是无意识的。达尔文村:扬​​不再说话玫瑰,如果她是无意识的。达尔文村:点击该夜惊时,他是不是跟着你现在让他跟着你。达尔文村:现在一月玫瑰跟踪偷听是否别动队员的承诺,她保守秘密。佩尔森神秘的神殿:修正了地雷的问题。亚利桑那州的世界地图:达尔文村辐射去除补丁,使其更可见。亚利桑那州的世界地图:其中,亚利桑那州的世界地图显示附近的监狱(东南段)各种辐射云不正确的辐射水平修正了一个问题。亚利桑那随机遇敌:对可能出现的随机遭遇一些字符改变性别。加利福尼亚州圣塔菲泉:启用重新启用中石油产卵加入了皮特,二滩和尼尔。圣塔菲泉:删除DoDeathWorldStateUpdate,因为这是造成NumberDogsKilled过快增长。圣塔菲泉:固定伍德森不跟踪正确打死狗的数量。圣塔菲泉:增加说明套垃圾袋lootables。圣塔菲泉:可以对角色不再使用木板。圣塔菲泉:设置“激活”光标军事袋“捡”。一旦它被击落袋军用不能再进行检查。当炸药附近熄灭将不再转动。Rodia的:固定攻击平民时,他们应该已经畏缩。Rodia的:在几个日志簿条目更名老Herbery名史蒂芬Dengler。RODIA:修正了能够煽动下水道,如果党员正在寻路或者教唆。Rodia的:固定说话穿墙银行柜员。Rodia的:从进入错误状态停止但丁当你刚刚透露了对他的阴谋。Rodia的:你在哪里能说服比阿特丽斯满足但丁他的棚子,即使但丁已经知道她对他的阴谋固定的问题。任务现在应该正确地解析为好。Rodia的:固定“撒旦”的关键字在某些情况下没有消失。Rodia的:固定Dengler的谈话正确使用陌生人/游侠。RODIA:维吉尔现在会检查是否但丁讨厌当你透露他的财产所在地的流浪者。Rodia的:从战斗中降低市长防止的笼子。RODIA:修正对话框周围一些逻辑问题应该不会出现,但确实在某些情况下。Rodia的:从开始与你交谈,如果他讨厌你停止波基。Rodia的:当玩家讲述但丁有关针对他的阴谋比阿特丽斯不应该再取消隐藏。RODIA:但丁现在应该在他与维吉尔后维吉尔固定塔饭桌上显示出来。RODIA:手枪皮特现在将允许在比阿特丽斯拍摄时,她被锁在工棚,你已经让她自由。Rodia的:固定市长凡Graas在两个地方是在某些情况下一次。Rodia的:让罗伯特高兴还是生气是正常Event_Started不再。现在需要玩家离开水平和回来。Rodia的:固定“撒旦”的关键字是与维吉尔的谈话,他可以得到他的负鼠回来之后。Rodia的:固定五月感谢流浪者保存市长即使流浪者杀了他。Rodia的:有些感动产卵各地停止AI陷入生活的大门。Rodia的:确信但丁进入适当的状态,当他在窗口中聆听不得不添加一些新的字符串此。RODIA:修正了但丁被放进一个MET状态,同时在窗口。RODIA:但丁的房子加负鼠自动淡入淡出所以现在当玩家见证负鼠后离开该地区消失。RODIA:貂不再消失时,比阿特丽斯已经离开小镇,但丁还没有得到满足。天使甲骨文:固定其中别动队员已被开除后,允许回到天使甲骨文的问题。天使甲骨文:设置介子炮默认光标为“友好”。天使甲骨文:设置默认光标渴卫队“友好”。天使甲骨文:将“友好”光标各种筹备。天使甲骨文:设置弗莱彻的光标移动到“友好”当他与Elizaveta团聚。天使甲骨文:移动唆使点,蒸汽管道阀门,以防止相互影响的问题。天使甲骨文:固定关键字“交易”失踪游侠行。天使甲骨文:改变蒸汽管道蒸汽孔伤害类型。天使甲骨文:固定问题,即武器时,没有立即返回到人质。天使甲骨文:新增失踪礼仪VO为Slargo的无线电呼叫。天使甲骨文:新增reintro树皮。甲骨文角度:修正了一个问题,其中军械库保险柜不会在一些较老的保存正确打开。天使甲骨文:设置基础Teleport_Door描述为瞬移门。天使甲骨文:平滑附近的体育馆台阶上的地形。天使甲骨文:在邻近记者展台广播室删除方格。天使甲骨文:增加了检查,以防止访问者的处理,从警卫如果Robbinsons接管乱叫。天使甲骨文:悬挂机构修正不正确的名称;固定活动光标挂具尸体。天使甲骨文:新增失踪描述套各类门窗。天使甲骨文:首长将只出现在雕像如果托里/礼仪断头。天使甲骨文:它不再可能最后剩下的党员留作人质,即使一方包含其他中国石油天然气集团公司党组成员。天使甲骨文:整理了互动游标没有对话的NPC。天使甲骨文:修正了一个问题,其中礼仪先生将继Robbinson接管出现在他的办公室。天使甲骨文:修正了死亡人质入党,使得它不保存死人质人质插槽。天使甲骨文:光标为破孩腿树现在断腿儿童的状态而异。天使甲骨文:可以在服务器场的战斗序列中不再保存。天使甲骨文:再也不能蛮力或使用树上的绳子战斗中。天使甲骨文:加空引用检查。天使甲骨文:一旦他们离开级别机器​​人可以不再被黑客攻击。天使甲骨文:固定,其中天使甲骨文军械库店员的商人图标没有使用关键字“特殊命令”后出现的问题。好莱坞:当越来越拉下马肝癌现在海蒂的追求得到妥善解决。好莱坞:固定小狗死亡状态,无法正常更新。不添加固定曼尼的追求日志,它的细节没有透露,如果一方有与他们的假芯片:好莱坞。好莱坞:从移除的Raji关键字。好莱坞:固定的Raji显示不正确的信息。好莱坞:固定流浪者移动到??????????帕科附近NPC左键单击时。好莱坞:固定感知技能没有透露被困容器。好莱坞:HCC的成员交谈过UI时,他们不应该。除去。好莱坞:修正了可以穿墙扔手榴弹。好莱坞:固定在维罗尼卡的执行中的错误,她会说麦克达德的名称不正确。好莱坞:增加检查文本SWIFTY的沙井。美味。好莱坞:当你选择在不同的时间一个关键字,以得到他的乔治店里面,然后问你要清除它很可能依赖。固定。好莱坞:乔治有肝癌会议期间错误画像。固定。好莱坞:玩家能够离开下水道SWIFTY战斗开始之前。固定。好莱坞:Player无法审查关于海蒂的安全陷阱。固定。好莱坞排水道:固定的说明文字显示不止一次。洛斯费利兹:修正了路易斯·贝穆德斯可以复制的问题。洛斯费利兹:改变朝圣者的休息拉班的休息中的所有描述和NPC对话。洛斯费利兹:僧侣是当你消灭堡垒洛斯费利兹现在很生气。格里菲斯公园:固定时,他不应该麦克达德乱叫。格里菲斯公园:固定保存与维罗妮卡和麦克达德/负载问题。格里菲斯公园:固定无线电塔谈太多的转发器单元。格里菲斯公园:固定堡垒门口过场触发在战斗。格里菲斯公园:固定杀死某些?????????? S IN作战特定顺序造成打击锁定。格里菲斯公园:修正了可以通过堡垒门拍摄。格里菲斯公园:固定张曼玉留下隐患。格里菲斯公园:修改麦克达德的对话。格里菲斯公园:固定感知技能不是揭示了一些被困的容器。格里菲斯公园:扎克打破了好莱坞追求和平,但固定它。格里菲斯公园:修正了一个医疗箱一个GUID的问题。格里菲斯公园:固定它是可能获得海蒂在一定条件下的早期出现。格里菲斯公园:固定维罗尼卡的肖像。格里菲斯公园:固定穿墙射击。格里菲斯公园:在威胁级别的追求固定文本。格里菲斯公园:固定海蒂的追求收到一个令人困惑的更新时,门控制是琼斯上台后销毁。格里菲斯公园:固定惩戒琼斯如果您做了婆婆与麦克达德逃跑被隐藏,然后把琼斯负责。Seal Beach的:门上粘固定光标。Seal Beach的:固定COTC的刀片及布伦特丢弃错误的武器。残局:从Kekkahbah的对话框中删除了复数代词。残局:固定僧显示出来在游戏结束时,他不应该。残局:修正了在最后一战中的错误。残局:固定玫瑰而昏迷说话。洛斯阿拉米托斯:Dekkar不再扮演他放下过渡。LA Cienega:开始战斗,以防止AI时被锁定时,他们被枪杀的球员AI清除行为。英格尔伍德:固定失踪检查光标在一具尸体。英格尔伍德:删除关键字出现断章取义一旦Scorpitron被击败了。英格尔伍德:修正显示名称标签Scorpitron。英格尔伍德:修正了盖的错误。惠蒂尔:修正了可以进入的位置时跳过过场和注册任务的完成。圣莫尼卡:防止从科里纳如果她的儿子死了乱叫“谢谢”。鲍德温山:设置说明,以非重复。鲍德温山:固定导航网格和打击电网的问题。布伦特伍德牙医:固定贸易商谁没有进入战斗。布伦特伍德牙医:固定显示当它不应该了一个牙医比尔关键字。弗莱彻的末日:在重装现场修复机器人不径处理退出。洛杉矶渡槽:删除一个地雷,这是离步行的路径。Dengler神秘的神殿:修改GUID的diggable孔来解决冲突。加州的世界地图:现在必须以触发伍德森将调用Mannerite支队长交互。加州随机遇敌:修正了一个坏的随机遇到合成的武器。加州偶然的遭遇:修正了一个NPC不正确的性别画像。加州随机遇到4:修正了在这个级别的车盖的一些问题。加州随机遇到4:笼子有木门时,他们应该被金属。加州偶然的遭遇6:固定的问题与列车车厢高度。文/本地化更新了所有的本地化(德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语,俄语,波兰语,韩语)。更新/改写的风格和色调的一致性英语记录簿文本。众多的本地化和打击文字bug修复。修正了一些区域的关键字显示为上的按钮小写(因为本地化的文本使用没有得到大写的)。固定战斗状态更新成字符以正确的顺序发生(即,使它们的攻击后)。使用通用描述防止自杀式袭击的描述。修复使用对象池的AttackRecords释放对象回池中。对于AttackRecords和TargeRecords固定对象池来实现回收方法,因此他们的名单成员不调零了。具体到与核弹背心和尚自杀的人加入文本日志字符串。和尚掷弹兵的固定文本字符串不自杀引用混淆。新增textType参数AttackRecord的状态影响的方法,使他们能够出现在正确的颜色。做Mob.AreaAttack使用AttackStarted和AttackEnded事件捕捉攻击描述,并在正确的顺序发出它们。去除黑客这是防止负荷屏幕提示显示德国起来。固定错字音频文件名WL2_Sadler_AZ5_NukeToDBM_01。描述具体武器固定Ralphy战斗开始字符串是通用的。负载屏幕提示固定的较小错别字。更新该套索的武器描述以更接近地匹配的游戏功能。搞掂秃鹫的叫声自我介绍,让她不说她可以痊愈的人(因为她不再有医疗技能)。在Rannel的对话框中改变了两个引用说“利比”而不是“莉莉”。他真的应该记住他的妻子自己的名字......更新Scotchmo的感知描述成为一个更有趣。“近” - - >“附近的”定格在监狱一个错字。增加了一个逗号到皮革混蛋的树皮,使之更加明确,他并没有侮辱的一方。从他的文字说明中删除SWIFTY的名字(因为玩家不知道他的名字呢)。Schwag的更新的说明,以更好地匹配了现场。修正了在好莱坞的一个错字 - “来吧,他的孩子” - >“来这里的孩子。”露天剧场的更改说明,以更好地匹配的场景。固定好莱坞标志说明,以更好地满足在游戏中的场景。Auwaerter的农场的固定内容。固定导轨游牧营地湖描述。固定“这是一把刀”项目文本格式问题。在科兰该隐的生物固定错字。修正了一个不正确的引用到“戴维斯巴恩斯”(应为“大卫巴恩斯”)。在一些服装的描述文字错误。固定Kekkahbah的描述是错误地称他携带消防斧。在好莱坞公墓葬礼的改进描述。固定父亲伊诺拉给予不正确方向Damonta(他现在说,这是北,东没有)。在盐暴徒的树皮固定错字。修正了在格里菲斯公园营房的描述更符合艺术水平。在圣塔菲泉戴夫固定描述更符合艺术水平。修正了詹姆斯Buntine在Highpool树皮一个小错字。做Mercaptain的描述比赛场面更加紧密。巴尔加斯+ Mercaptain电台现场比赛现场作了说明更加紧密。固定缺少标点符号与Kekkahbah交谈。更新霍利迪先生的店铺介绍。修正了塞​​缪尔哈斯交谈一些资本的问题。做分会场描述相符舞台上更好。吉尔等人的汽车旅馆房间的固定内容,以更好地匹配的场景。其他杂项。错字修复了错别字。固定合成杀死,由字符串包括“它”为代名词的选择。固定额外的“豆荚中的字符的人串引导页”wanderss“,”turnss“修正了英文版本的一些字符串失踪在选择的中性代名词。例如“(谦诚/她)” - >“(+他/她/它)”击(状况的影响)导致的一些描述命中描述之前正在发生。修正了。攻击描述淘汰双重打印。修正了“结束转”字符串只是打印一根弦和使用演员的名字。之前,它会打印出“结束回合”。与“熊节省2下一回合的行动要点”(是失踪期间)作为单独的字符串。或者只是“结束回合”。 (没有名字),如果不采取行动要点结转。现在,它打印只由一个字符串,例如无论是“熊转结尾”,或“熊转结束,节约2动作点下一回合。”添加碰运气的默认字符串由武器类型来解决问题与凶手的描述为SMG查房冠冕堂皇的矛盾碰运气。固定玫瑰不​​正确的语法名称。哈罗德更改作战文本名称;集控作战文本名称为哈罗德。新增“伊万Oboskalov”的支持者学分。感谢您的支持,伊万!结语如果他牺牲了自己Kekkahbah不再提及活着。Ralphy不再有,如果他去到结束冲突的尾声。又增加了尾声好莱坞。增加了一个新的尾声了把惩戒琼斯掌管,然后杀了他。固定其中曼尼皇据报道,活在后记中,即使他死了的问题。固定其中Scotchmo据报道,活在后记中,即使他死了的问题。结语现在可以正确地提到花托的死亡,如果她把她的权力后杀害。原文:Update Update 2 to 6:HighlightsAdded Steam Achievements for Mac OS X and Linux! Now, your friends, family, and vague acquaintances can all enjoy unlocking Achievements regardless of their choice in computer operating system.Fixed a bug in identifying the Broken Man during the Hollywood/Griffith questline that could in some cases render the peace outcome unattainable.Updated Prison HQ. A large rolling gate now blocks the Prison HQ to prevent quest sequence breaks. The gate is opened by Danforth at the appropriate time during the story, or when the player fixes the broken robot to destroy the turrets and gate. Huge bug fix pass - nearly our biggest patch ever!?Large English text updates.Localization fixes and updates across all languages.GameplayAdded Steam Achievements and Steamworks support for Mac OS X and Linux!Fixed being unable to get the STD Achievement from Arizona STDs.Fixed a bug in Blackjack casino minigame.Fixed an issue where combat could lock up if a party member transformed into a Pod Person.It should no longer be possible to avoid random encounters on the World Map by activating the Radio.Fixed an issue where random encounters did not occur after receiving a post-death squad radio call.CNPCs no longer protest you killing innocents if they are unconscious or dead.Fixed an issue wherein gaining new animal followers would cause quest related animal followers to stop following the party.Attempting to drop a quest item on top of already-dropped items will no longer cause the items to vanish.It should no longer be possible to duplicate quest items by attempting to drop them on top of another item.Fixed Aberforth not removing his buff when he is dismissed.Removed Use on Self from usable Rope and Radio Parts items.Fixed a bug when the Darwin Village plague timer runs out on a character.User InterfaceFixed turning fullscreen mode on during conversation corrupting text log layout.Fixed "Camera Follows Party" option not correctly following characters at the beginning of a new game if the option is enabled.The function keys can now be used to select party members on the world map.It is now be possible to use Field Medic items on party members in combat by clicking on their portraits.Radiation clouds are now updated in real time while traveling with the World Map UI open.Inventory items from characters that are too far away to trade with a vendor should no longer show up in the "all party items" inventory filter after double-clicking a vendor item.It is no longer be possible to scroll a panel with an open dropdown menu.It is now be possible to reload secondary weapons by dragging ammo onto them.Clamped the Biography field during Character Creation at 10,000 characters. Your thrilling Wasteland novel series will need to be typed elsewhere.Default weapons should now show up for CNPCs in the CNPC info screen if there is no weapon equipped.Now the game displays feedback in the conversation UI when player types in a keyword that is used up, or is for a conversation skill that they don't have enough skill to use.Now the game displays the speaker and the typed-in keyword when it's a keyword that is not recognized (instead of just the keyword).Fix for breaking input after the end of a conversation.Cursors on loot caches are set to Default if the cache is empty.Fixed a bug preventing responses to Regional keywords.MiscellaneousCNPCs no longer make a "you missed" comment when a party member's weapon jams.Make the CNPC comment chance-check use correct "miss" chance when it's a miss, instead of using crit chance for crit and miss.Burst firing with a shotgun now won't throw an error when the first shot kills a target that has its transform destroyed.Fixed an issue wherein Ag Center & Highpool would not become destroyed if the game was saved and loaded after receiving both distress calls.Now party members face the direction the target teleport arrow is pointing (so they are facing into the room they enter, for example).Pistol Pete will not rejoin the Rangers if they're working for Dengler.Fixed bug with PartyBarkManager allowing scheduled barks to continue while a saved game is being loaded.Fixed null reference when enemy doesn't have a mobFX component.World Map no longer reveals Prison if it has already been discovered.Added a new fowReveal() command that allows you to specify a radius and a duration to reveal. Useful for cutscenes.Fixed a null reference in game script.Fixed warning related to Rose's On Death event being overridden.Dressing room clones don't get status effects carried over between scenes.ArizonaRanger Citadel: Fixed navmesh issue.Ranger Citadel: Door will now open if player approaches it during combat and then finishes combat.Ranger Citadel: Turn off global volume during intro movie; global volume is restored to original value when the movie ends.Ranger Citadel: Ranger patroller no longer paths into the Mess Hall area. Should fix blocking issues.Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein certain Sagarra keywords appeared out of context.Ranger Citadel: CNPCs no longer appear in Ranger Citadel if they have left the party.Ranger Citadel: Fixed issue wherein Lexcanium was not correctly counted as a recruited Ranger when choosing companions to bring to California.Ranger Citadel: Set default cursor for Bookshelf IOs in the museum.Ranger Citadel: Added instigation point to Cartographer Sagarra.Ranger Citadel: Rose only comments about the Rangers betraying Jan if she overheard the Rangers' promise to Jan.Ranger Citadel: Pizepi now leaves the Rangers if she overhears them reveal the truth about Darwin.Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein General Vargas attempted to answer the Ranger both in person and over the radio.Ranger Citadel: Added missing resource tag which was preventing the Blood Staff from being turned into Flintlock.Ranger Citadel: Can now receive Ranger History 4 book from Tidemann when giving him enough Pain Relievers.Ranger Citadel: Mercaptain's description text no longer appears if she is not present.Ranger Citadel: Can now turn over Blood Staff to Flintlock even if it's equipped.Ranger Citadel: SkillObject difficulty is removed once Giebitz gives away the Mississippi Mule.Ranger Citadel: Fixed incorrect Ranger dialog text for keyword "Recruit".Ranger Citadel: Fixed camera bounds leading towards brig area.Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein graffiti cleaning Ranger acted as if he was already given Spray Paint when starting a new game directly from exiting a save file where he had been given it already.Ranger Citadel: Added description set to Ranger storage locker.Ranger Citadel: Removed some spoilerific text from the "Oops" ending slide. Players rejoiced!Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein Team Able/Baker/Charlie would bark while invisible when approached near the World Map exit.Ag Center: Will no longer take damage from DNA Sequencer if at 1 HP.Ag Center: Sue is now easier to kill while in the wounded state.Ag Center: Sue's infected areas quest now resolves when killed.Ag Center: Kathy's serum quest now resolves if she's killed.Ag Center: Lowered difficulty of safe near Winston to Very Hard.Ag Center: Removed keywords that appear out of context.Ag Center: Research monster deaths will be tracked following a save/load.Ag Center: Rose will not drop her custom dropset if her CNPC inventory was initialized.Ag Center: Skinner no longer investigates sounds when he is drunk.Ag Center: Can now unlock the infected World Map locations by finding the Ag Center Serum first.Ag Center: Rose no longer thanks the Rangers after leaving the party due to killing innocents.Ag Center: Removed unhandled keyword.Ag Center: Added grey hair to Honeydew Lewis; removed incorrect description for Honeydew Lewis.Ag Center: Free Ryan quest now resolves if Ag Center is abandoned.Ag Center: Fixed being able to interact with computer console through a wall.Ag Center: Pigeons in the West Field now explode properly when the player walks near them. Pop!Ag Center: Removed fog reveler from door in West Field.Ag Center: Successfully hacking the computer in Central Basement will copy the description text to the Log Book.Ag Center: Greenhouse doors now default to their base description set if they are not locked.Ag Center: Added description for Killing Fields door, Central Complex, Central Basement, and East & West Field ladders.Ag Center: Rachel now transforms upon entering her proximity, instead of when clicking on her.Ag Center: Set default is active cursor on Fungicide to "pick up".Ag Center: Adding the Ag Center Serum to the nutrient reservoir now cures Acute Pod Infection as well as when using it directly.Ag Center: Intercom is no longer interactable after speaking with Kathy Lawson in person.Ag Center Destroyed: Fixed navmesh issue in Killing Fields.Highpool: Wreckers now attack the Rangers if the safe is exploded.Highpool: Townie is no longer friendly towards the Rangers if graves have been dug.Highpool: Kate Preston's mayoral speech no longer plays if she's been killed.Highpool: Bergin now longer fades away if he's in combat.Highpool: Wrecking Crew Stronghold Log Book entry now resolves if Bergin is killed.Highpool: Set examine corpses to Dynamic Layer.Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Jess-Belle's dowry quest would resolve when the pipes burst, even if the dowry was already obtained.Highpool: Fixed offset collider on Alexey Chuklin's old RV.Highpool: Scott no longer stands in front of dead/missing patients in the hospital.Highpool: Can now speak with Bergin about the Wrecking Crew Stronghold even if Vulture's Cry has been released.Highpool: Party bark no longer occurs if the mayoral vote is a tie.Highpool: Fixed display name for Entrance Wrecker 4.Highpool: Set Kate's combat group based on her position in town to fix combat bugs.Highpool: Quest to get rid of Juvies now resolves if Vulture's Cry is killed.Highpool: Now exclude certain phrases from the list of possible irrigation fixed dialog.Highpool: Increased delay before the safe is opened.Highpool: Turned off Dumpstar's investigate sounds.Highpool: Modified description text for Pile Rocks grave.Highpool: Removed unused examine tooltip from crane consoles.Highpool: Added custom combat text for the Highpool dam explosive.Highpool: Certain graves now give status effects.Highpool: Added description set for Highpool Underground door.Highpool: Changed Harold's base combat AI type.Highpool: Set weapon template for dam bomb.Highpool: Shooting Laddie first caused a minor issue with combat. Fixed.Highpool: Alexey quest was not closing out if Laddie was killed. Fixed.Highpool: Can no longer sell Harold's engine back to him.Highpool: Turned off investigates sounds for Townie 16 to prevent incorrect behavior.Highpool Underground: Removed lines that gave incorrect instructions on how to use the circuit breaker.Highpool Destroyed: Added custom text for Bergin.Highpool Destroyed: Fixed Jackhammer attacking from range.Rail Nomads Camp: Libby no longer barks repeatedly when clicked (after Elder Cole is killed).Rail Nomads Camp: Set cover near Junkie ENC 03 to Wall layer.Rail Nomads Camp: Added logic to check if Gorkinovich is dead.Rail Nomads Camp: Added custom dropset for Jessie.Rail Nomads Camp: Set whistle cursor to "Use".Rail Nomads Camp: Bowling Letter Quest now resolves if Katy or Robert are killed.Rail Nomads Camp: Engineer now resolves Peace quest if given the Brake Shoe.Rail Nomads Camp: Added Log Book entry to handle the case where the Rangers steal the Golden Spike.Rail Nomads Camp: Gave the Provost mystery man the old generic portrait, which suits him better.Rail Nomads Camp: Repositioned Scotchmo's stash so highlighting is visible.Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed cursor on bed lockbox.Rail Nomads Camp: Added custom item accepting object to radio tower.Rail Nomads Camp: Can no longer kill Jessie with explosives inside her cell when she's been captured.Rail Nomads Camp: Peace quest resolves if Rangers blow up Holliday's shop.Rail Nomads Camp: Peace quest resolves if the Atchisons are massacred.Rail Nomads Camp: Made sure you can't report the Rail Thief quest completion twice.Rail Nomads Camp: Kekkahbah will now hate the Rangers if they approach the Golden Spike during combat.Rail Nomads Camp: The Angela killing Samuel sequence can only trigger the first time the conversation is completed.Rail Nomads Camp: Set default cursor for Turtle to "Friendly".Rail Nomads Camp: Scotchmo will no longer dig up a certain grave, and will now complain about others digging up that grave.Rail Nomads Camp: Radio tower description no longer assumes the Repeater Unit has already been attached.Rail Nomads Camp: Removed examine component from Android book.Rail Nomads Camp: Removed examine component from Weapons Cache.Rail Nomads Camp: Set default is active cursor for Weapons Cache and Android book.Rail Nomads Camp: Updated navmesh and combat grid.Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein you could exit Katy's train cabin during combat.Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein attaching a Repeater Unit to the functional radio receiver incorrectly displayed a Failure message.Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Kathy did not acknowledge that Robert Bowling was dead.Rail Nomads Camp: Examining the radio tower will no longer add an incorrect Log Book update stating that the player obtained the coupler from Kekkahbah's corpse.Rail Nomads Camp: Kekkahbah no longer adds an incorrect Log Book update when he promises to give the Rangers the Radio Coupler once the feud is over yet gives you the Radio Coupler immediately.Rail Nomads Camp: Set is active cursor for H.R. corpse.Atchisons' Camp: Jessie no longer runs to her home if combat is on.Atchisons' Camp: Description for Melissa won't appear if the Atchisons are massacred.Atchisons' Camp: Removed keywords that appeared out of context.Atchisons' Camp: Modified Jessie's barks when about to be attacked.Atchisons' Camp: Casey will now always take damage when attacked.Atchisons' Camp: Set Chisel NPC AI Template to primary Blunt.Atchisons' Camp: Set Casey's combat group when he teleports to the playground.Atchisons' Camp: Added checks to prevent scripted movement during combat.Atchisons' Camp: Saving is blocked while Casey is leaving his yurt to prevent some bugs.Atchisons' Camp: Jessie will not be captured if Kekkahbah is alive.Atchisons' Camp: Added Teleport_Door description set to teleport doors (yurts).Atchisons' Camp: Casey now becomes hostile while near the see-saw if Jessie was murdered.Atchisons' Camp: Added new dialog for the case when Ralphy was saved but the bicycle trap was not disarmed.Prison: Added a big rolling gate to Prison HQ which only opens via destruction with the repaired robot nearby or if Danforth "invites" the Rangers to enter (only affects new games/saves). This prevents players entering the Prison HQ before they should be able to and breaking the Prison quest flow.Prison: Fixed Bucky Brown running off at the wrong time.Prison: Bucky Brown is no longer sleep managed to avoid incorrect behavior.Prison: Added base description set to simple computers.Prison: Added computer portrait to Crane Computer.Prison: Fixed Range on Red's turrets.Prison: Fixed Red's turrets sometimes not attacking.Prison: Disabled investigate sounds for Fred Darvis to stop him wandering around.Prison: William and crew now correctly go into hiding if Bucky warns them. Fixes an issue where the pigs quest did not resolve because William and crew should have been gone.Prison: Added base description for pig ????. We fix important bugs here at inXile.Prison: Bucky's cutscene won't trigger if combat is on.Prison: Can no longer access Red's computers while combat is on.Prison: Fred Darvis will no longer thank the Rangers for freeing his cart if he was attacked.Prison: Fixed an issue wherein multiple clicks were required to begin a conversation with Anna.Prison: Removed delay from Danforth's bark as the Rangers approach the kennel.Prison: Chris VanOverbake conversation now starts if player is near him when conversation ends. This conversation takes priority over the Gladys cutscene.Prison: Fixed an issue wherein Baychowski's barks would remain on screen too long.Prison: Turrets are now deactivated if the robot has attacked inorganic targets.Prison: Celia Caminada - cleaned up confusing Ranger dialog text.Prison: Jobe no longer says the dogs are saved if they were killed.Prison: Modified Ranger dialog text for keyword "Rad Suits".Prison: Fixed an issue wherein Danforth did not notice that Reina was not cured before the kennel dogs.Prison: Prison won't be revealed on the World Map again in conversation with Vargas if it was already discovered.Prison: Vulture's Cry will no longer repeat the same "clinically depressed ditch" bark over and over and over and over and...Prison: Fixed an issue where Jobe would fall over dead with no NPCs around to kill him. This is now handled in a cutscene.Prison: Fixed Anna's evasion chance so she no longer dodges bullets while lying sick on the ground.Prison: Fixed a collider blocking mouse clicks near the Prison 2 level entrance.Canyon of Titan: Prevented Bridewell from leaving HQ if she is attacked. Made sure she's in the same combat group as the people she is with.Canyon of Titan: Made sure you can't poke the refrigerator in front of the DBM HQ during combat.Canyon of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein PCs exiting the DBM HQ were attacked following a save/load.Canyon of Titan: Added a missing Ranger dialog line to Gorsky conversation.Canyon of Titan: Removed clear on empty flag from weapons locker.Canyon of Titan: Removed the "Fraud" keyword from Sadler as it wasn't used.Canyon of Titan: Killing Bridewell or Sadler will anger the DBM faction.Canyon of Titan: Removed unused conversation keyword.Canyon of Titan: Fixed Bridewell letting the player back into the DBM HQ.Canyon of Titan: Splitting the party was allowing the player to get weapons into the DBM base. Fixed.Canyon of Titan: Fixed "Give weapons" keyword missing after bringing stragglers to Bridewell.Canyon of Titan: Fixed a conversation locked up with Brother Ekees.Canyon of Titan: Fixed Brother Chavez' death animation not playing.Temple of Titan: Location had some extra Monks when it shouldn't have.Temple of Titan: The post nuke launch scene where Father Enola talks to you will now go through the list of all NPCs and set their waitToJoinCombat and faction hate to neutral values. This will allow Enola to start conversation with you. Also fixed saves and combat issues made after this scene.Temple of Titan: Converted several WatchTrueOnce event callbacks to simple Watches to prevent a crazy out of range exception from occurring when the nuke was scrambled.Temple of Titan: Added a radius check for the missile to prevent a cutscene from playing in the wrong location.Temple of Titan: Fixed instances allowing shooting through walls.Temple of Titan: Fixed order which combat starts when denying Father Enola's ultimatum.Temple of Titan: Now teleport Father Enola and guards to spawn point in the event that they're too far away for the Code Scrambler cutscene.Temple of Titan: Fixed a null reference error.Temple of Titan: Allow height mesh to build on portions of the concrete ring surrounding the Titan missile.Temple of Titan: Fixed camera issue.Temple of Titan: Fixed some issues with ramps in this level.Temple of Titan: Fixed nuke playing an animation when it shouldn't have.Temple of Titan (Destroyed): Dan Q will no longer appear if he joins the party.Damonta: Fixed cockpit door for Red & Rick Baychowski.Damonta: Stopped Tinker from going stupid (for more precise description of issue, please contact the person who fixed this).Damonta: Red no longer dies if all the robots were hacked.Damonta: Wally no longer dies if all the robots were hacked.Damonta: Wally now opens his door if all the robots were hacked.Damonta: Can no longer gain the Find Cow Owner quest if Damonta was abandoned.Damonta: Fixed Red Baychowski fading out too soon in one particular situation.Damonta: Will no longer get Bart quest update if he hates the party.Damonta: Wally no longer states that Silent Springs was not cleared out if the robots were killed but Tinker was not destroyed.Damonta: Added Ranger dialog text for keyword "Go Away" used with Red Baychowski.Damonta: Fixed incorrect Log Book entries.Damonta: Fixed text description on a wall in Damonta.Damonta: Fixed Octotrons in Tinker fight.Damonta: Stopped Wally from running off like a dummy.Damonta: Added wall collider behind Airliner TP interior to exterior.Damonta: Thresher no longer bashes on door if he was hacked.Damonta: Fixed colliders.Damonta: Set cursor to Default for Bart & cowboys.Damonta: Fixed Bart pulling in Jill during combat at the cow graveyard.Damonta: Fixed goat hiding post Damonta.Damonta: 4too no longer plays his bash animation if Madam Blavatsky is destroyed.Damonta: Fixed bug with Tinker's spawned robots not joining combat until they were attacked.Damonta: Fixed Tinker's combat encounter so that a burst fire attack would not immediately re-initiate combat upon Tinker's surrender.

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