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Please note: Since Trudograd continues the story of Atom RPG it is recommended to play the previous title before the sequel.

Trudograd is a stand-alone story expansion to Atom RPG - a turn-based roleplaying game set in post-apocalyptic Soviet Union.

It is inspired by classic cRPG titles of the past, such as early Fallout, Wasteland and Baldur’s Gate series.

22 years ago the USSR and the Western Bloc destroyed each other in a nuclear inferno. Millions died instantly, society collapsed and technology was sent back into the Middle Ages. You are a member of ATOM – an organization tasked with protecting the post-apocalyptic remnants of humanity.

  AtomTeam 表示,《核爆 RPG 特鲁多格勒》是《核爆 RPG》独立故事延伸作品,游戏故事描述 22 年前苏联与西方世界在一场核子战争中相互交手、导致数以百万计的人民死亡、社会秩序瓦解,整个科技发展彷彿倒回到了中世纪,玩家是 ATOM 组织的成员,任务就是要保护世界末日后的人类遗迹。

  玩家在《核爆 RPG 特鲁多格勒》中,将前往受到核灾毁灭的巨大城市,玩家得在其中找到可能是让人类摆脱威胁的最后希望;AtomTeam 指出,新作中将拥有充满众多地点的超大城市,让玩家在其中享受战斗、交谈、交易与探索的乐趣。


Two years ago you – a rookie agent of ATOM – were sent on a dangerous mission into the Soviet Wastes. As a result, you uncovered certain information about a new threat that can potentially destroy the struggling remnants of humanity.

In Atom RPG: Trudograd your goal is to travel to a giant post-apocalyptic metropolis that withstood the tests of nuclear obliteration and social collapse. There you must find what is thought to be humanity’s last hope in fending off the menace from outer space!

Trudograd features:

A large city with its own lore and dozens of varying locations to fight, trade, talk and explore in;

A hardcore turn-based experience with huge amounts of character development paths, combat styles, skills, perks and distinctions;

Unique characters each with their own personality and a robust branching dialogue;

Multiple-solution quests, which actively change the city around you;

Ability to transfer your hero from our previous game (Atom RPG);

An easy game to pick up. While Trudograd is a continuation of the first game’s plot, it is also friendly towards new players, and will quickly fill you in on the lore and major developments you might have missed;

A result of a two year long community effort, made by players for players. This game encompasses a lot of changes from our previous title, that were inspired by user feedback.

We really hope you will enjoy Atom RPG: Trudograd!


最低配置 CPUIntel Core i5 / AMD FX 显卡NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 / AMD RX 570 内存8GB以上 硬盘16GB以上空间 系统Windows 64-bit (7 SP1+/8/8.1/10)

  • 核爆RPG特鲁多格勒简体中文免安装版
  • 核爆RPG特鲁多格勒简体中文免安装版
  • 核爆RPG特鲁多格勒简体中文免安装版
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